27 July 2010

Cam's Roast Chicken and Whatever Vegies are in the Fridge Soup

Today's recipe is from Cam, who will also answer to Ms Curlypops! See her fun crafty blog here.

Cam writes: "Here's my all time favourite recipe - this is what I cook when I'm feeling down or a little bit sick. I always get chicken soup cravings and this fits the bill perfectly. The recipe originated from my complete dislike of vegies. I figured that if I was craving chicken soup when I was sick, then I should probably try to make it healthier by adding vegies.

The other condition, of course, was that it had to be something that I could make using ingredients that I already had in the fridge or the cupboard (I always have packaged chicken stock in the pantry). My solution was to just grab all the vegies that I had and put them through the food processor before cooking.

Adding the basmati rice was an addition that came along a little bit later when someone complained that soup was not a real meal, and that you couldn't just have soup for dinner!"

Roast Chicken and Whatever Vegies are in the Fridge Soup:

1. Peel and prepare any vegies that you have. As a minimum, I usually use potato, pumpkin, onion, garlic, carrot, and celery (because I usually always have these in the fridge).

2. Choose any extra vegies that you have. I had a corn cob in the fridge lastnight so I added it.

3. Put all the vegies through the food processor using the grating attachment.

4. Put the grated vegies in a large stock pot (I actually use my electric wok).

5. Add chicken stock (I usually use 2 litres).

6. Simmer for a couple of hours - you may need to add some water during this time.

7. Take all the meat from a roasted chicken (I buy one at my local Charcoal chicken shop for extra flavour). Chop up and add to the soup.

8. At this stage, you can also add 1 cup of Basmati Rice (for a more substantial meal).

9. Simmer for another 20-30 minutes (or until the rice is cooked).

10. Add salt and pepper to taste

11. Serve with toast or some nice crusty bread and butter.

* Cam adds: "To make it a vegetarian recipe, just omit the chicken, and use vegie stock instead of chicken stock. Then because the chicken is already pre-cooked, you can just throw it in at the end when serving to anyone in the family who likes chicken."

Thank you Cam!

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