05 August 2010

Journal Update

Another busy week in my kitchen with a few new recipes under my belt.

I've tackled two new recipes this week, both sent in from Tracy: (I'm thinking maybe I should re-name this blog Tracy's Recipe Journal!)

The dried fruit mix soaking in honey and earl grey tea for the fruity polenta slice

1. The fruity polenta slice was delicious - even though I added the juice of one whole lemon instead of the required 2TBspoons! Speed-reading recipes again... doesn't work, must stop doing that. Luckily the mix handled the extra juice and it was super-moist, in a good way. Didn't take any pics of the finished slice... oh, well, I'll have to make it again (for documentation purposes, you understand).

The scones ready to go in the oven
The scones baked
2. Second recipe of Tracy's I tried was yesterday's minestrone with feta and pesto scones.
I've never attempted scones before, and I made two lots. They were quick and easy-enough for a new cook like me to make. The first were good, but I think I had the oven too high, so they were crisp on outside, but not cooked right through inside. I had another go this afternoon and I think I got it right. They certainly tasted delicious. The soup recipe I varied a bit - I took out the bacon and added a spoonful of pesto, since we had purchased a small tub of freshly made pesto for the scones.
My minestrone soup with feta and pesto scone - Yum!

3. Last week I mentioned I was going off to cook with a big group of women - well I did and it was fun! I've talked about it on Facebook already, but for those who missed that discussion I've also written at length about it here (on my other blog) as well.

At MamaBake chopping up pumpkin for my Moroccan stew
My cheeky baby having fun with the containers that would later be filled with takaway home-cooked meals
The idea is called MamaBake whereby a group of mums cook up a big batch of meals together then divide them up so everyone goes home with a variety of dinners to save them cooking for a few days. Such a clever idea. I cooked up a huge batch of chickpea Moroccan stew and for my efforts came home with a variety of Curry dishes that the other mums had cooked up. Gave me a rest from stressing about what to cook for dinner that night - for a few nights actually - and that was good.

Look at all the delicious meals I brought home with me!

You can get more info on MamaBake here: www.mamabake.com

5. Next week I might share a few pix of things that have changed around my kitchen since starting this cooking blog. I'm getting a lot more organised in there and starting to get a feel for what kind of pantry items I need to have always on hand. The more organised I get in the kitchen, the better.

Thanks again to everyone who has come over to the blog and joined the FB page (76 "likers" that's amazing to me!!)

Also, I really could do with a few new recipes sent in, so if you feel like sharing a favourite, please email me at: thebyronlife@live.com.au That's what this whole blog is dependant on - sharing our favourite recipes.



  1. Heheh...I warned you, don't start me! Look, you've saved me the trouble of starting my own food blog. I've meaning to for a while, but finding the time has been tricky... ;)

  2. wow Megan, you have quiet a selection of recipes already!
    we are making this today, very easy & yummy.


    have a happy Sunday
